純米吟醸 玉栄




容量/価格:1800ml / ¥4,070(税込) 720ml / ¥2,035(税込)


青リンゴやマスカットをイメージさせる香り。口中に 含むと軽い葡萄の皮の渋み。透明感のあるシャープな味わいでありながら、存在感のある甘みと旨味がやや長め の余韻を引いて消えていきます。



Capacity / Price: 1800ml / ¥4,070 (tax included) 720ml / ¥2,035 (tax included)

Junmai Ginjo made from 100% Tamasakae rice, a rice suitable for sake brewing produced in Takashima City.

The aroma is reminiscent of green apple and muscat. The palate has a light astringent taste of grape skin. The taste is sharp and transparent, yet the sweetness and umami with a strong presence linger for a slightly long time before disappearing.

Best served lightly chilled with sashimi, vinegared or grilled fish.