容量/価格:1800ml / ¥4,400(税込) 720ml / ¥2,200(税込)
「ヨキトギ」は「斧磨」と書き、このブランドを立ち上げたとき、マキノ高原を流れるヨキトギ川の下流にその 酒米の田んぼがあったことにちなみ命名しました。
酒米の名前は吟吹雪。山田錦と同様、非常に軟質米の ため発酵時に溶けやすく、絞った直後から優しい甘味、旨味、フルーティーな酸が楽しめます。
Capacity / Price: 1800ml / 4,400 yen (tax included) 720ml / 2,200 yen (tax included)
"YOKITOGI" is written as「斧磨」and was named after the sake rice fields downstream of the Yokitogi River that flows through the Makino Plateau when the brand was launched.
The name of the sake rice is Ginhubuki. Like Yamada-Nishiki, it is a very soft rice that dissolves easily during fermentation.
The gentle flavor unique to Junmai sake and the refreshing, slightly carbonated stimulation of arabashiri (the first sake to be squeezed out of the bottle) are truly intense.