上撰 松の花 720ml





今も変わらぬ昔からの味 松の花 上撰 です。





アルコール分: 15度以上16度未満

原料米(精米歩合): 国産米(70%)


This is the standard "Matsunohana" sake that has been produced since the company was founded at the end of the Edo period.

The taste is the same as it has been since the beginning of the Edo period.

[The best way to drink it]

Even though it is a regular sake, it can be enjoyed cold or hot and goes well with all kinds of food.

It is also popular because of its reasonable price.

It is a standard sake that has been enjoyed by many people since its establishment, and you can feel its underlying strength.

Alcohol content: 15-16%

Raw material rice (Polishing ratio): Japanese rice (70%)